Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

What Is Beauty ?

Images of beauty and style are all around us: in movies, on television, in magazines, and on the Internet. However, what's attractive changes over time and varies from culture to culture.

What is teh ideal body shape? In ancient Egypt, beautiful women were thin and had small waists. In Renaissance Europe (1300-1500), people thought plump women were very beautiful. And in many traditional Pacific Island cultures, men find estremely heavy women very attractive.

In sixteenth-century England, the ideal woman had snow-white skin, red cheeks, and red lips. To make themselves attractive, women wore very white makeup and painted their lips and cheeks bright red. In the nineteenth century, makeup. By the 1940s, makeup was back in fashion-but snow-white skin was out. Suntans were glamorous.

Some cultures have very special ideas of beauty. For the Padaug of Burma, a very long neck beautiful on woman. Girls from the age of five or six wear metal rings around their necks. As their necks grow, more rings are added.

In the traditional Maori cultures of New Zealend, tattons made a man attractive. Men tattoed their face and much of their bodies, the tattoos were "body art" and gave information about the man's family and position in society. Long, healthy hair on woman a man also made him handsome.

In western countries today, some people think tattoos and body piercings are attractive. While some men and women get small tattoos, others get tattoos all over their bodies. Pierching is also stylish, and not just on the ears. Some people have pierchings on their eyebrow, noses, lips, or tongues.

What do you think makes a person attractive?

International Treats

Every country has its own special treats. Here are four famous foods from around the world that you may want to try.

Vegemite is one of the best-loved foods in Australia, but it's not very popular in other countries. It's a dark brown spread that tastes salty-a bit like beef bouillon. Australias usually eat it on bread with butter, or on toast with melted cheese. It has a lot of vitamins and minerals, and most Australian kids grow up eating it. When Australians go abroad, many take a jar of Vegemite. It's hard to find in other countries.

Escargots, or snails, are popular French dish. The snails are usually cooked in liquid, then put back into their shells with butter, garlic, and herbs. Because snails eat things that can be poisonous, the snails are first fed lettuce and flour for about two weeks. Then they are not fed anything for several days. This cleans out their stomaches so they are safe to eat.

If you like hot, spicy foods, you'll like Korean kimchi. There are many different kinds of kimchi, but the most popular kind is made from Chinese cabbage, garlic, onions, and hot peppers. To make kimchi in the traditional way, Koreans combine the ingredients in a big jar. Then the jar is put outside during the winter months. This lets the kimchi ferment and fives it a hot, sour taste. Kimchi is served at meals as side dish, and it's used in many recipes. It has lots of Vitaminsand minerals.

On a hot day in Singapore, try ice kachang, or red bean ice. It's a big ball of shaved ice with sweet, fruity syrup and red beans. The beans are sweet, not salty, and taste good with the fruit-flavored ice. It's usually served with milk jelly. Variations of ice kachang are fond all over Asia.

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Paradise City

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home (Oh, won't you please take me home)

Just an urchin livin' under the street
I'm a hard case that's tough to beat
I'm your charity case
So by me somethin' to eat
I'll pay you at another time
Take it to the end of the line

Rags to riches
Or so they say
You gotta
Keep pushin' for the fortune and fame
You know it's, it's all a gamble
When it's just a game
You treat it like a capitol crime
Everybody' doin' their time


Strapped in the chair of the city's gas chamber
Why I'm here, I can't quite remember
The surgoen general say's it's hazardous to breathe
I'd have another cigarette
But I can't see
Tell me that you're gonna believe


So far away x4

Capitain America's been torn apart
Now he's a court jester
With a broken heart
He said turn me around
And take me back to the start
I must be losing my mind
"Are you blind?!"
I've seen it all a mllion times


I want to go
I want to know
Oh, won't you please take me home

I want to see
Oh, look at me
Oh, won't you please take me home

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home (Oh, won't you please take me home)

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Oh, won't you please take me home

Take me down
Oh yeah
Beat me down
Oh, won't you please take me home

I want to see
Oh, look at me
Oh, won't you please take me home

I want to see
Boy, I'm gonna be mean
Oh, oh take me home

Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Oh, won't you please take me home

I want to go
I want to know
Oh, won't you please take me hooooooome

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Mengenal Virus Komputer


1949, John von Neumenn, mengungkapkan "teaori self altering aoutomata" yang merupakan hasil riset dari para ahli matematika.

1960, Lab Bell (AT&T), para ahli di lab Bell (AT&T) mencoba-coba teori yang dingkapkan oleh John von Neumann, dengan membuat suatu jenis permainan/game. Mereka membuat program yang dapat memperbanyak dirinya dan dapat menghancurkan program buatan lawan. Program yang mampu bertahan dan menghancurkan semua program lain, akan dianggap sebagai pemenangnya. Permainan ini akhirnya menjdi permainan favorit fi tiap-tiap lab komputer. Tetapi, semakin lama program yang diciptakan makin berbahaya, sehingga mereka melakuka pengawasan dan pengamana yang ketat terhadap permainan ini.

1980, Program-program tersebut yang akhirnya dikenal dengan sebutan "virus" ini berhasil menyebar keluar lingkungan laboratorium, dan mulai beredar di masyarakat umum.


"A program that can infect other programs by modifying them to include a slighty altered copy of itself. A virus can spread throughout a computer system or network using the aouthoriztion of every user using it to infect their programs. Every programs that gets infected can also act as a virus that infection grows"

Pertama kali istilah "virus" digunakan oleh fred Cohen pada tahun 1984 di Amerika Serikat. Virus komputer di namakan "virus" karena memiliki beberapa persamaan mendasar dengan virus pada istilah kedokteran (biological Viruses).

Virus komputer bisa diartikan sebagai suatu program komuter biasa. Tetapi memiliki perbedaan yang mendasar dengan program-program lainnya, yaitu dibuat untuk menulari program-program lainnya, mengubah, memanipulasinya bahkan sampai merusaknya. Ada yang perlu dicatat disini, virus hanya akan menulari apabila program pemicu atau program yang telah terinfeksi tadi dieksekusi, disinilah perbedaannya dengan "worm". Tulisan ini tidak akan bahas worm karena nanti akan mengalihkan kita dari pembahasan mengenal virus ini.